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Recently, University Marketing and Communication (formally CER) launched a new website, and as part of that, a new section for digital strategy was added. Here you will find resources for Siteimprove, content strategy, analytics, and accessibility.

We’ll update this page with new information as we continue to expand our resources and offerings in this space.

As a reminder, our team offers a number of digital resources that we encourage all WordPress users and content managers to take advantage of.


  • Training Guide: Learn how to manage your UMC WordPress site.
  • Brand Guide: Understand the brand standards and why they are important.
  • Request Training: Our team will walk you through UMC WordPress 101.

Content Strategy

  • Siteimprove: Learn more about our web optimization platform.
  • Analytics: Understand the numbers behind your site.
  • Accessibility: Make your site accessible to everyone.
