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Please review the following general guidelines for filming, photography and drone usage at Wake Forest University. If further guidelines are needed, please contact us.

Filming and Photography

Developed by Communications and External Relations and the Legal Office
(Implemented January 2011)


At Wake Forest University, a set of guidelines is in place to address requests to film or shoot still images on the Reynolda Campus. As described below, photography and filming on Wake Forest University’s Reynolda Campus must receive prior approval from the University, as must subsequent use of the recorded images. These guidelines serve to ensure that such activities do not interfere with the maintenance of academic activities; threaten the privacy of students, faculty and staff; or unreasonably disrupt campus life.

Activities covered by guidelines

Activities excluded from guidelines

Role of University Marketing and Communications

In general, University Marketing and Communications (UMC) is responsible for approving requests to film or shoot still photography on the Reynolda Campus for commercial and non-commercial purposes. However, the Department of Athletics, University Stores, Graylyn International Conference Center and the Reynolda House Museum of American Art are responsible for requests involving their respective departments, facilities and programs. The University’s Legal Department and a UMC representative are available to advise those enterprises regarding requests, providing examples of contracts, location agreements and other relevant documents. They can also advise, similarly, academic and administrative units on establishing agreements with still and video photography vendors for long-term and short-term projects.

Request process

Requests should be made directly to UMC by e-mail at Requests should be made 14 business days in advance. It is the prerogative of UMC to consider requests that do not meet the advance notice requirement.

At a minimum, a request should include the following information:

The Strategic Communications team will respond initially within seven business days, but a final decision may take longer, depending on various circumstances.

General information

Unless otherwise approved, no filming or photography may take place that clearly identifies Wake Forest University as the location. Certain buildings, including Wait Chapel and Reynolda Hall, may not be included in a manner that clearly identifies them unless otherwise approved. In general, no Wake Forest signage or names of buildings may be included in images. The University reserves the right to review and approve the edited images prior to the materials’ public release.

Documents required

No images of students, faculty or staff may be included without their consent. The individuals photographing or filming are responsible for obtaining the consent of each student or member of the faculty or staff photographed or filmed, as the case may be. The Legal Department can provide consent forms through UMC to assist with this process upon request.

When the details of a request are agreed upon by all appropriate parties, a location agreement provided by the University must be signed and returned to the point of contact in UMC before any filming or photography occurs. Furthermore, no work may begin on site by any crew associated with such a project. The University has template location agreements that are appropriate for various projects. No location agreement provided by an outside party should be executed without the review of the Legal Department.

Drone Usage on Campus

Wake Forest is re-crafting its drone policy. Please send all requests through the UMC at