Family Communications
What We Do
Wake Forest believes parents and family members can be our best partners. We share the same goal: our students’ success. Family Communications provides caring and transparent guidance to families about the resources, opportunities, joys, and challenges of college. We seek to engage families in ways that are developmentally appropriate while still allowing students to make independent decisions as they enter adulthood.
Family Communications’ digital portfolio includes:
- Parents & Families website
- Families section of the New Students website
- Daily Deac blog
- Wake Parents & Families e-newsletter (monthly)
- WFU Should Know student e-newsletter (weekly)
- Managing the email account and official WFUParents Facebook account
Family Communications also assists campus partners with their communication needs through original writing, reviewing/editing proposed messaging from a parent/family perspective, and amplifying campus partner messages through our publications.

Betsy Chapman
Executive Director of Family Communications
Ph.D., Higher Education
Institutional communications can play an important role in parents’ and families’ experience of their student’s college. Betsy’s doctoral study examined how college communications can help shape desired family behaviors. She is also a college mom herself, with a ’27 student at NC State.
Daily Deac
The Daily Deac blog shares important news, advice about how families can support their students, and information about Wake Forest activities and events that give a glimpse of campus life. Subscribe on our website and have the Daily Deac sent to your Inbox each weekday. Members of the campus community can submit items for consideration; see our Guidelines.
Wake Parents & Families E-Newsletter
The Wake Parents & Families e-newsletter is typically sent out mid-month to all current undergraduate Wake Forest families for whom we have a valid email address.
WFU Should Know (Student E-Newsletter)
The WFU Should Know e-newsletter is sent out to all undergraduate, graduate, and professional students (non-medical) every Thursday. A separate Next Week at Wake Forest email, which pulls all events from the Events Calendar (including events from The Link), is sent each Friday afternoon.