What We Do

The University Events team creates and produces events to support the mission of Wake Forest University. The primary objective of University Events is for each event to reflect positively on Wake Forest. To attain this objective, our team of professionals provides the guidance, tools, and resources to make every Wake Forest event a success.

Some events and services are not managed by University Events including summer conferences, scheduling a wedding or reserving an athletic venue.

Shannon Dubuisson

Shannon Dubuisson
Executive Director, University Events

University Events Team

Contact Us

Phone & Email



University Events
Wake Forest University
PO Box 7227
Winston-Salem, NC 27109


Students, families, faculty members and friends gather annually in May to celebrate the culmination of considerable academic accomplishment. Visit the Commencement website for important information regarding this event.


New students are welcomed to campus with a Convocation in Wait Chapel during orientation weekend. The event features greetings from the University President, the Dean of the College and others.

Campus Venue Reservations

Wake Forest University offers one-of-a-kind venues to accommodate all your event needs.

Podium Rental Requests

The University Events team manges several podiums which are available to rent for your event.